Windows Version and Configuration
1. System Information Commands
1.1 Basic System Information
Retrieves the operating system's name and version by filtering the output of the systeminfo
Output: Displays the OS name and version, allowing for quick identification of the running system.
1.2 Patch and Update Information
Description: Queries the system for installed Quick Fix Engineering (QFE) updates, showing details about each installed update.
Output: A list of installed updates, including update IDs, descriptions, and installation dates.
1.3 Architecture Information
Description: Retrieves the operating system's architecture (e.g., 32-bit or 64-bit).
Output: Displays the OS architecture, which is essential for software compatibility.
2. Environment Variables
2.1 List Environment Variables
Or, using PowerShell:
Description: Both commands display the current environment variables set on the system.
Output: Shows variable names and their values, providing insight into system configurations and environment settings.
3. Drive Information
3.1 List Logical Drives
Description: Lists the logical drives available on the system.
Output: Displays the drive letters (e.g., C:, D:) of all logical disks.
3.2 Detailed Drive Information
Description: Provides detailed descriptions of each logical drive, including:
Caption: Drive letter (e.g., C:)
Description: Drive type (e.g., Local Disk)
Provider Name: Network provider details (if applicable)
Output: Displays comprehensive information about the drives.
3.3 Using PowerShell to List Drives
Description: Retrieves all drives available in PowerShell, filtering for filesystem drives, and formats the output as a table.
Output: Displays a structured table of drive keys and their corresponding paths.
WMIC Documentation: Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line
PowerShell Documentation: PowerShell Commands
Last updated