What about Cy-nix Machine?
A Write up about Cy-nix Machine that focused in webpentsting and Linux Privilage Escilation
Last updated
A Write up about Cy-nix Machine that focused in webpentsting and Linux Privilage Escilation
Last updated
Hello everyone, Morning i download Cynix Machine from Vulnhub and it was awesome So i decide to write this Writeup and i Wish You like it ):
After download the machine and open it
i use angry scanner to discover the machine ip :
The lovely tool Nmap
I use FFUF to fuzz
after fuzzing i found this hidden directory and it was a website contain contact us so i enter data and intercept by burp
While intercept i found this
quickly i open this directory and found just this photo
In the file i tried LFi and enter 1 before the payload because in the page source it takes an integer
I try to covert LFi to RCE so after small play with LFi with using one of the users i gain from the LFI i Found Private SSH key
I try to connect with the ssh key and it success
We have RCE here btw
when i discover the user i found that the machine use lxd
So why not privilege escalation i try to git clone to use a tool like bease but it accessed only by admin so i trying this Payloads and it works btw
Finally Root (:
and i found root flag in /mnt/root/root
I wish You love This small Writup and Thank you (: